Friday, February 5, 2010

U of U fans, as Opposed to BYU Haters

My grandparents are U of U fans. President Monson is a U of U fan. Um, I think that's the complete list. Everyone else that cheers for the U is really just a BYU hater. Or an LDS church hater. And most of them are happy to admit it.

Don't hate. Just play. I know, it sucks for you people that BYU is so awesome at everything. Might as well come to terms with it. "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." So come one over! We'd love to have you.
**Go Colts!**


  1. Oh Amy...I disagree with both teams. :) I'm not a hater though I must say. I loved attending the U and cheer for them, but my husband is for the Y. It's all in good fun. Me and Pres Monson. ;)

    *Go Saints!!!*

  2. I so agree. I have always felt that way. The whole point of U of U's fandom is to hate BYU. At BYU did we do the same thing? No, we had school spirit even when we weren't playing the Utes.

  3. I totally disagree. I'm a U of U fan, but I don't hate BYU. It's a good school, nice people, but I'm just a fan of the U. I think there are more nice U of U fans than you think there are.
