Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Drama of The Ring

Okay, so yesterday was a roller coaster in regards to my ring. Dave got a call from my cousin Heather, who we bought my ring from, (she and her husband own a jewelery store) saying my ring wouldn't be done until Feb 17th (We'd be in Hawaii by then) and it would cost $600 more than she told us it would. He called me not knowing what to do. We'd either have to get smaller bands than the ones I'd chosen to go with my wide band or pay the $600. Well money's tight (to say the least!) so I told her I'd take the smaller bands. Sad.

Later in the afternoon, Heather called me back to tell me she'd worked something out so that I could get the bigger bands for the smaller price! Just because she was sorry for the mix up! YAY!!! So I'm still sad that I might not have my ring for the wedding/ring ceremony, but she said she'd do everything she can to get it done before the 14th. Thanks Heather!!

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