Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Not in regards to Christmas, just winter in general!
Currently it is -2 degrees,
but the weather channel says it feels like -12!!
I think they meant to say
it feels like HELL!!
Hell is none of that fire and brimstone garbage.
Hell is cold.
And I am in it.

Meanwhile, my hubby is in Vegas.
He's there working, but still!
I would eat my left ear for a tropical vacation!
Or sell a kidney,
or whatever would get me on a beach in the sun.

This time last year,
we were on a cruise to the Mexican Riviera:

What I would give to be there now...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder. I could really use a cruise right now. Oh well. So much for that. Bundle up and don't freeze to death. You're not as cute as a human popsicle.
