It's true. I'm officially a Logan-ite (or Providence-ite to be specific). Dave is still in St. Louis, but he'll be back soon.
So here's the story:
I started applying for jobs, knowing it takes awhile to actually find a job and get hired. To my surprise, the day after emailing in my resume to a company in Logan, they called me for an interview. Since I was in St. Louis, we decided to do a webcam interview via Skype. The interview went really well, and they said they'd let me know on the following Monday or Tuesday. Well Monday comes and goes, Tuesday comes and goes, and no word from them. By Wednesday morning I'm sure I didn't get the job. I was sad about it all day, but came to terms with the fact that it just wasn't the right thing.
Wednesday night, just after midnight, I got an email saying they'd be sending me an official offer letter on Friday, but wanted to let me know I got the job. YAY!!!
So I had to come back from St. Louis sooner than we'd planned to start my new job. I flew home (with Maeby) and now poor Dave will have to drive back all alone (well, he'll have Boozer).
I found us a great apt in Providence and we're excited to get settled.
I have to give a shout-out to Amie and Sean Liston for letting me park my homeless butt at their place until Dave gets here and moves our furniture into our apt. I'm having so much fun staying there! I missed having friends. Their daughter Macy is such a doll and Maeby loves their little schnauzer Mercedes.
So, for now, life is good. Other than missing Dave (and Boozer) like crazy, things are just about perfect (knock on wood...). I'm loving my job. My boss, Nathan, is awesome. I asked him how I should keep track of my time (I'm a salaried employee for the first time) and he said, "Uh, in your heart...?" Sounds good to me!
My last job was a very hostile environment. I spent all day, everyday just waiting to get fired. This place is great. I just hope they're as happy with me as I am with them :)
Oh, P.S. The company is called Call Assistant. It's a call center (for a bunch of different companies including HSBC, Wells Fargo/Wachovia, APX, Pinnacle...), but I'm an Administrative Assistant. Back to a life of dress pants with heels and long sleeved T shirts :)