Last year, when Dave and I were living in Baltimore, my dad had business in DC. My mom went out with him and I stayed with them. We spent 3 days there and had a BLAAAST! While my dad and Dave worked their little tails off, my mom and I played our little tails off!! We explored Alexandria, we devoured the Smithsonian (referring to all of the museums, but we also devoured the incredible flat bread pizza with goat cheese at the cafeteria in the National Gallery of Art!), we had pedicures and Bruegger's Bagels, and shopped like crazy.
Well, my parents are back in DC again, and alas, I am not. I am crushed to be missing out. And obviously my mom's not having hardly any fun without me ;). I tried to explain to Dave what it is I'm missing out on. I said, "Imagine you got to go on an amazing hunting trip last year. There were lots of big coyotes and you killed lots of them and there were rabbits all over that you could shoot, or even just kick if you wanted to. And elk and mountain lions and bears and buffalo! And free 4 wheelers! And this year you didn't get to go. And everyone else went and told you it was amazing." He was like, "Wow. That would be pretty sucky." He mostly just laughed at me :).
And so DC, just know I miss you. And mom, I miss you lots and lots. And pedicures, I miss you very much as well.
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