Monday, April 12, 2010

Last Week of Work

You'd think that since I only have
4 and a half days of work left,
and then I'm done for the summer,
this week would be a breeze.
But it's not!
I can't handle it!
Not for one more minute!
Get me out of here!!

This tantrum will not end until Friday at 5pm.


  1. Hnag in there... Just think it will be sooo nice to have a new swim suit to sun bath in while you are off!!

  2. ha ha ha ha!!! at least you know when you get to tell them to "F" it and never come back...

  3. I totally understand. It seems like forever. Good kuck and hang in there! It will be over before you know it! ;0)

  4. yeah... your tantrum didn't even last until then... remember how you cried in the lobby? Then remember how you left me at like... I don't know NOON??? Well I hope your having fun! Miss you...
